March 3, 2016

Olive Green in Dubai

“Olive Green”, our interactive film, has been shortlisted as the Best Paid for ICT / App Product in the final of the GESS Education Awards contest. Along with the nomination, we were invited to take part in the Global Educational Supplies & Solutions exhibition and the GESS Education Awards gala.


Some last-minute impressions from Dubai by Małgorzata Śmigielska, Blended Learning Manager at SuperMemo World, who took part in GESS 2016: “The GESS exhibition and awards ceremony were both very inspiring events and an opportunity to meet the best companies in the education sector. It was an honour to be there,” Małgorzata said. “Dubai as a city? Words fail me to describe it, but it is definitely worth visiting. It is a city where cultures mingle and yet everyone lives together in peace. Women are greatly respected. Views are breath-taking. It is difficult not to take many photos”.

And it is the photos that will probably give the best account on the gala and Dubai itself.


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