
Gennady - Kevin Horsham

Gennady Korolyov
Played by:
Kevin Horsham

Gennady runs the British “subsidiary” of a vast Russian criminal empire. He is the father of Sergey Korolyov.

Gennady is a living legend. A famous brawler in his youth, he became a gangster in the late 1980s when Russia was undergoing a political and economic transformation. Where others saw chaos, he saw opportunities. He realised that the world was going to change and he intended to benefit from it. Having taken over the lead of a small Moscow-based gang, he quickly turned into one of the key players on the Russian drug trafficking market. In doing so, he became a threat to a far more powerful mafia family. Rather than just kill him, his competitors decided to recruit him and utilise his talents.

Gennady was sent to Sweden and later to Germany to help his organization gain a foothold in Western Europe. He showed much resourcefulness in eradicating local drug traffickers, though he never relied on brute force only and was always ready to cooperate – for instance with the Albanian or Turkish gangs – if this brought profits to everyone.

Kevin Horsham - Gennady

Eventually he was delegated to Britain, “Organised crime capital of Europe”, where he was put in charge of more subtle matters, such as money laundering and financial operations.

Gennady is a “Renaissance man” – he speaks four languages, is a charismatic leader and knows a great deal about accounting and effective management. He is interested in new technologies and was one of the first members of his organisation to use computers and the Internet.

Kevin Horsham - Gennady

He started a family with a British woman, named Helen Morris, who gave birth to Sergey. Their marriage life was a bliss until Helen learnt the truth about Gennady’s profession. She refused to have anything to do with him until he would quit it. He neither could nor wanted to do it, so the couple split up and Gennady saw his son only occasionally until Helen’s death of cancer. Gennady was very happy to get his son back, as he loved him dearly, but Sergey was not the boy he expected to see. There was little Gennady in him: no cunning, no ruthlessness, no ambition, no killing instincts … But now that Sergey is an adult, Gennady intends to mould him into something that he could be proud of.

14 thoughts on “Gennady

  1. LaraSix

    He is rather scary! His moustache is so oldschool :-) But I also think that he will be really interesting, plots of mafia are always the best in each movie!

  2. Weronika

    Seems to be very talented and hard-shell, besides, he has a number of issues which must be dealt with, do you think that he hides some deeper feelings, emotions, love? Or is he a total professional, who does not allow himself to weakness?

  3. Leila

    Weronika, I don’t think it’s possible not to feel any emotions… There are people who don’t care about others, but everybody hide something deep in him/herself. What’ sure – he loves his son. And he want to do something with him to could be proud… What do you think, what would it be? ;)

  4. Anatte

    Leila- he must feel something! He loves his son bu he won’t show this. Guys are so- don’t will show another that they love, are proud… I don’t know why? Siergieja Korolyov must know that his father wants to help him!

  5. Kimi

    you’re right that Gennady Korolev is certainly very proud of having a son. Unfortunately, his son is quite different Nature of, otherwise it behaves and is poor mental health.

  6. Adam Karski

    I’m so curious that Gennady will cooperate with any of rich persons in movie! I see him when join his force with Mr. Cloutier, thats will be great double pack!

  7. Mama

    Adam, it’s possible, but also possible is that he will cooperate with RObert Murray. Or with Olive Green:)
    And I’m sure that he loves his son, why wouldn’t he? Being proud doesn’t equal love

  8. Maya

    What do you think he’ll do for his son? Maybe he’ll show him what he’s doing exactly and let him to help? Or maybe he just will know him with Olive that she can do something? Any ideas? I’m pretty curious!

  9. John

    I don’t really know what to think about him. He is father so it’s normal that he has emotions. But he doesn’t look like he does. I want to believe that he wants the best for his son. But I think he will cooperate with another character. But i’m not sure with which one. Maybe someone has an idea?

    1. Max

      As I think lack of emotion is just a mask. A way of not showing any weakness. But it makes communication with his son much more complicated than usual.
      He thinks that he knows everything best and he never makes mistakes. But it simply cannot be true! The film should show how listening other people is important, especially your own child!
      About cooperation…I have no idea! I’ve read (in comments) about funny combination: Gennady and Mr. Cloutier. How about it?

  10. Cygarretka

    I think that his right hand is (Vlad or Yuri, i dont remember now) better material to take his position than his son Sergey.
    Why he doesn’t look like he has emotions? Everybody has emotions, but some of us know how to use poker face:D

  11. Radek Kowalewski

    Hey, maybe there will be something like “game of throne” between Gennady’s son, Sergey, and his right hands, like Vlad or Yuri? Haha! Of course, Sergey is too girly to fight with any of them, so maybe Olive will help him? Give me your opinions! :D

  12. Angella

    Uuu… Godfather! I like it! .
    Relationships between father and son are always difficult. But when
    disappointed dad …is a gangster!? God save the child!

    It can be really interesting topic ;):)


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