Dziś znów wróciliśmy do lat osiemdziesiątych. Spotkaliśmy młodego Martina Willisa (w tej roli Matthew Simpson) i jego wuja (Edmund Dehn), właściciela niewielkiej firmy transportowej z Old Berry. Wuj usiłuje uchronić siostrzeńca przed podjęciem pochopnej decyzji, gdy Martin dowiaduje się z lokalnej gazety, że Beatrice Campbell – miłość jego życia – wychodzi za mąż za jakiegoś prawnika-mądralę z Londynu.
Młody człowiek jest głuchy na argumenty wuja i rozmowa kończy się dość przygnębiająco.
Wkrótce potem ekipa zmontowała nową scenę, w której Martin siedzi pijany na ziemi i wczytuje się w kolejną gazetę – pokazującą zdjęcie ślubne Murraya i Beatrice.
Nie mogliśmy uwierzyć, kiedy okazało się, że klaps nr 786 był naszym ostatnim! Czas zakończyć produkcję Olive Green!
Wielkie dzięki należą się aktorom i całej ekipie – wykonaliście świetną robotę i cieszymy się, że mogliśmy z wami pracować.
Kiedy będzie do obejrzenia?
when will be the premiere of the film? Today I read on the that will premiere on February 1. whether it is true information?
Many interesting charaktes, and amazing job. I’m looking forward to se this movie and pick up some english skils :):):)
If on filmweb it’s 1st february, it will be. I guess:D
I hope that crew had a lot of fun and they made up some friendships:)
Ohohoho, I can’t waittt! :D Cars, guns, art, and a lot of action! :D I hope 1st February is correct date, cause I want to se Olive! :D
Yeah! I’m looking forward too! Last day of filming must have been hard for everyone, it’s always sad when something ends… :)
But today is 1 st February! ;D @adam_karski:disqus this is correct date, but it is day for world premiere and I don’t know when it comes to Poland. Hope quickly! :):)
Katrina I hope we’ll be able to see “Olive Green” somewhere in the internet, that’s my favorite way of watching anything… anyway it seems to me that it would be really very helpful for my english!
Sally my english isn’t good enough, too. I will always more and more. The problem is that is easier to understand than say something…. I see all my series and new film in internet.
I also hope it’s possible to watch Olive Green on the Internet. Hope it’ll happen soon in Poland :) Or maybe it’s available somewhere already? Did anyone check it?
Where can I watch it? It should be avaliable right now… Is there any info? It will be easier to understand if you watch it with english subtitles-it is helpful tool;)
Maybe can some manager ask our questions? We only suppose but there isn’t specific informations.
On a website, I read that the premiere Olivia Green was on February 1 this year, is this true? I’m curious where in this case will be in Poland. Anyone know?
Wow, it is a lot of Poles here :D You’re right, I’m curious too when we can watch Olive! This website and conversations with you makes that I can’t wait :D
Not only Poles are waiting for the premiere of the film. :) I can’t wait adventures of the main characters.
It must be wrong date. Nobody heard about premiere on the film. But why they give us wrong information?? However, it will not change my opinion about Olive! I want to se Olive!
February is ending and there and we wait still. But there is some parts of the film on youtube. It’s the final slate of Olive Green movie production.