
Sergey - Oliver Watton

Siergiej Koroljow
Oliver Watton

Syn rosyjskiego mafiosa Giennadija Koroljowa. Właśnie ukończył hydrologię na Uniwersytecie Oksfordzkim.

Siergiej to bardzo życzliwy i dobrze wychowany młody człowiek, pozbawiony najmniejszych skłonności do przemocy. To może się wydawać zaskakujące biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że jego ojciec ma na sumieniu śmierć i okaleczenie sporej liczby osób.

Siergieja wychowała głównie matka, Brytyjka Helen Koroljow. Zakochała się i wyszła za mąż za Giennadija w przekonaniu, że jest on stuprocentowo uczciwym rosyjskim biznesmenem. Giennadij, który uwielbiał żonę, nigdy nie mówił zbyt wiele o pracy, więc przez pewien czas Helen nie miała pojęcia, jak jej mąż zarabia na życie. Z czasem jednak dowiedziała się o pewnych faktach i po przemyśleniu sprawy poprosiła Giennadija, by… cóż, zmienił pracę. Giennadij nie palił się zanadto do tego, więc rozeszli się z Helen, mimo że poza tym Giennadij był bardzo dobrym mężem.

Helen wychodziła z siebie, by odizolować Siergieja od ojca. Kiedy jednak chłopiec miał 14 lat, stwierdzono u niej raka, który zabił ją w przeciągu kilku miesięcy. Tak więc nastoletni Siergiej, nie znając słowa po rosyjsku, przeprowadził się do ojca. Nie zajęło mu długo zorientowanie się, że jego tato nie jest zwykłym przedsiębiorcą.

Oliver Watton - Sergey Korolyov

Giennadij przez te wszystkie lata okropnie tęsknił za synem, teraz jednak szybko zorientował się, że przepaści między nimi nie da się zasypać. Giennadij był szczwanym i bezlitosnym przestępcą, Siergiej natomiast – naiwnym mięczakiem wiecznie z nosem w książkach.

Obaj odczuli ulgę, gdy chłopak wyjechał do Oksfordu na studia. Pozostali jednak w kontakcie, bo mimo przeciwieństwa charakterów Siergiej pokochał ojca.

Oliver Watton - Sergey Korolyov

Po ukończeniu studiów nadszedł jednak czas, by Siergiej stał się prawdziwym mężczyzną i zajął należne mu miejsce u boku ojca. Nie owijając w bawełnę, Giennadij chce zrobić z syna gangstera. Ma już nawet plan, jak to osiągnąć!

26 wypowiedzi w “Sergey

  1. Joe

    Very interesting topic criminal! I wonder what will happen to Sergei. Actually this is my favorite character. I don’t see the rule: like father, like son. What would become of him if he had not raised by his mother?

  2. Papaja

    Joe, it’s actually my favorite character too! I think there’s a long way for Sergey to become a real gangster. To be honest, I think it won’t ever happen :D He’s just too girl-like to me and soft :D I just wonder what the relation between him and Olive is going to be like. Will she teach him how to be a bad boy? What do you think?

  3. Papaja

    Joe, actually it’s my favourite character too! I’d like to see Sergey becoming a real gangster. But to be honest, I don’t think it’ll ever happen :D He’s just too girl-like, to soft to be a gangster! I just wonder what the relation between Olive and Sergey is going to be like. Will she teach him how to become a bad boy? What do you think? :P

  4. Dejw

    I’m sure that Sergey will not a gangster like his dad. Even Olive will not be able to change his behavior. I think that Sergey doesn’t change his behavior. For me personally, it is a boring character, very predictable. I believe that sooner Sergey teach Olive being a better person. And you, what do you think about him? You like

  5. Marti Dzik

    It seems possible to turning from hydreologist to a gangster. His father is too tuff to olet him do whatever he wants, and it’s probably his dream that Setgey will inherit his legacy.

    We can be very surprise, because the way he looks does not equal his character.
    What about Olive and Sergey… I think that she will help him in bad bad trouble;)

  6. Math

    I think that because of his naivety and trust his father would be able to realize his plan about doing him a gangster. But I’m not sure if it would be a true change. Maybe the boy will dicover, that he can do more in his live and decide about himself… It’s very important for such a character like his father… But because of this Sergey may also rebel against father. Don’t you think?

  7. Saska

    oooooh, maybe Olive will help him with runaway from his father’s plan about Sergey?? We will find out it very soon, I really can’t wait!
    I think that Sergey and Olive will have a romance (I hope so)

  8. LaraSix

    You really think so? Sergey is cute, but he seems so young! Too young for Olive! it seems to me that she rather takes care of him than has a romance with him…

  9. AlkA

    I dont like this kind
    of character. Dont know why. He’s nice and seems to be inteligent. Andzie’s
    right, he’s a naive person. I cant trust him. He tries to be a good man however
    I’m afraid he can end like his father, behind bars

  10. Kika

    Oh, I’m not really sure about these two falling in love with each other. It’s rather Olive and Dave who’ll have love affair, don’t you think? And Sergey… he just seems so young and so lost, I think he needs a tutor!

  11. Katarina

    In the secend picture he looks like a little scared boy! Thats very funny ;D i thing Olive will just help him, but he’s falling in love with her. AlkA i agree withe you! but this charakter can
    by very funny ;D

  12. Kimi

    you’re right, it looks very funny. He looks How helpless child who needs help and a hug. Olivia certainly help him.

  13. Rasputin

    Well, if so many people think that Olive will help Sergey without falling in love with him that must be true:)
    I think it’s funny, because he is half russian and he has more russian name that his 100% russian father:D

  14. Leila

    Haha, Rasputin, you’re right with his name ;)
    He looks really scared and helpless… I’m a little sory of him and about what his father want to do… But only a little, he needs it :P

  15. Eiffel65

    Katarina I don’t think he’ll be funny, to me it seems that he’ll be helpless and ineffectual. I’m curious what is his plan to avoid being a gangster!

  16. Ananas

    Rasputin, good point about his name, I like it! :D And Leila – yeah, he really needs to know some real life, becoming a gangster would be a great lesson to him! But although he looks like a nice and good boy, I feel that deep inside he also has some Russian blood and he’ll surprise us!

  17. Kimi

    You’re right, he looks like a nice and good boy who is naive. It does not surprise us like a risk because it is too weak mentally.

  18. Radek Kowalewski

    Uuuu, Sergey surprised me :D I was thinking he will be a courageous, strong person, great son to his father, ready to take the bussines. And what I see? Girly boy, interested in books! :D That’s not fit to Gennady’s style!

  19. Michael

    Radek, so? Do you agree with his fathers idea? It’s not Gannady’s style, that’s sure… But maybe it could also be like this. Maybe he don’t have to be like his father…

  20. Minog

    Yes, he doesn;t have to be like his father. But it is normal that strong and powerful man like Gennady would like his son to be as strong and powerful as himself. But life is a little bit complicated than that:)

  21. LadyGaga

    Minog, I think that Sergey is too sensitive and innocent to be like his father, he has completely different type of character and being a gangster is something, that you can’t just learn – you like to be against the law or not

  22. Rihanna

    LadyGaga your right! This is another type of character!
    Maybe he is like his mother. We don’t know… It can be something interesting between Olive and Sergey. He is so cute and she can falling in love with him. They are completely another person. And opposites attract :D:D

  23. Minog

    Opposites attract but love is chemistry not a physics:)

    I don’t think that anything will happen between him and Olive, sorry

  24. Natalia

    I think you are right Minog. There is no “sparkle” beetwen them. He’s really cute and he can fit into her world. But I just believe that David and Olive are meant to be with each other :) By the way I don’t really understand Gennady. Why he has to pull in his only son into this cruel buisness. I mean he may be a part of it but Sergey doesn’t have to. But what do you think?


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