Doktor Brooks
Aktor: Michael McEvoy
Brooks był niegdyś bardzo utalentowanym młodym chirurgiem. Nawet ci, którzy nie byli w stanie znieść jego monstrualnego ego, nie mogli odmówić mu oszałamiających zdolności. Po serii supertrudnych operacji Brooks stał się swego rodzaju celebrytą, do którego ludzie zwracali się po ratunek, gdy wszystko inne zawiodło.
Żyjąc w nieustannym stresie, Brooks zaczął zażywać narkotyki – w coraz większych dawkach – przed każdym zabiegiem. W końcu nie widział już nic złego w byciu naćpanym podczas operowania rdzeni kręgowych i innych organów swoich pacjentów. To nie mogło ujść płazem. Chociaż, technicznie rzecz biorąc, nigdy nie zawalił żadnego zabiegu, został wylany z pracy i odebrano mu pozwolenie na wykonywanie zawodu. Z jakiegoś powodu ludzie, którym ocalił życie, nie mogli pogodzić się z myślą, że dokonał tego jakiś… ćpun.
Brooks kilka razy próbował odzyskać pozwolenie na wykonywanie zawodu, ale w końcu się poddał. Przekwalifikował się na weterynarza i otworzył własną klinikę, która jednak praktycznie nie przyjmuje zwierząt. Będąc narkomanem, Brooks zaznajomił się z całkiem pokaźną liczbą londyńskich kryminalistów, którzy wysoko cenią jego medyczny talent. Obecnie Brooks oferuje pełen pakiet świadczeń zdrowotnych wszystkim osobom, które doznały postrzału, ran ciętych lub złamań, a nie życzą sobie informować o tym fakcie władz.
Brooks jest bardzo szczęśliwym człowiekiem. Zarabia krocie, a praca dostarcza mu więcej radości niż dawniej, gdy operował w supernowoczesnych szpitalach. Już nie zażywa narkotyków.
Fortunately, he was able to stop taking drugs. Nowadays it isn’t so simple. He opened a clinic. It is a happy man, because this is the most important in his life. Dr. Brooks should be a model for others. All this could have without drugs, right ?
I hope that it will never take drugs. Because he lost a lot. But now he is even happier person than before.
Ok, he stopped to do drugs. He earns a lot. He lost his license, but he’s also still doing, what he really likes. It seems like he regained his profession, trust of the people and he get out of troubles. But stil I think he lost a lot. He will never more be able to work legally. Do you really think it’s not important to him and he’s happier?
Ok, he stopped to do drugs. He earns a lot. He lost his license, but he’s also still doing, what he really likes. It seems like he regained his profession, trust of the people and he get out of troubles. But stil I think he lost a lot. He will never more be able to work legally. Do you really think it’s not important to him and he’s happier?
Ok, but the thing here is why he started to take this pills? I think it’s a deeper question. Maybe he just wasn’t happy in this hi-tech hospital. Many doctors are alcoholics or something-addicted. Too much responsibility and pressure? I like the fact that almost every character in this series touches some psychological issues.
If Doctor Brooks helps criminals who have been shoot or slashed, I promise I will watch every episode of the movie :) After reading about some other characters, I think that Olive Green will be a great movie, full of action, intrigues and turns! What about the Doctor Brooks – it seems to me he will be a very positive character in movie, always smilling and just fair :)
psychological stories in films are very interesting.Its not that easy to stop taking drugs. I would be
really nice surpriced if he didn’t take drugs anymore. But this is just an addiction. He will be always remember about
the past.
Adrian – or maybe he’ll be rather like Doctor Jackyll :D :D According to the photograph of him he seems to be a good man, but who knows what’s under this kind-hearted face. One is for sure – Doctor Brooks is definitely an intriguing character!
Great comparision, Karolina ;) I wonder about his role in movie – will he be on the dark side of the power or not? Whether he will help Olive or her enemies? Doctor Brooks is so mysterious…
Marek, I think he might be undecided, once he will help Olive, another time someone else… I think it would the most surprising character!
Doctor Brooks is an intriguing character! He knows life and can be… crafty!
Many of secrets many connetions with strange people.
Yeah, I think he would be crafty, cause he seems to have a lot of his own purposes and objectives, so he’ll do everything to achieve them.
I agree with Trinny about helping Olive.
I’m surprised that he is not using drugs anymore… and I do not believe in that, at all. He will take any while the movie, you will see!
Hmm… Doctor Brooks was so famous for his talent to surgery… I think he can’t just dissapear from “celebrity” life, am I wrong?
Right Karol, that’s interesting, cause he was kind of a star and suddenly everybody forgot about him? That’s impossible! Maybe his illegal business will be unearthed, what do you think?
Yeah, that would be great if this whole dirty work was revealed by media! More action is always welcomed in TV series. Doctor Brooks has many secrets which can confuse the society. In people’s eyes his life is like “Form hero to zero”, don’t you think?
I think that he will heal Olive after shooting. And I also think that, despite his source of money, he is a good person:)
I dont think that he’ll have any problems with law.
You’re right, Doctor Brooks certainly will help wounded after shot Olive. Will have with him a very good and professional care.
It would be funny if he had treated Olivia, and then people who did this to her. I think he is still using drugs. It isn’t so easy to break the habits. It is a pity that he ended
his career at the hospital because of drugs – he could help many people. I wonder who he can cure except Olivi. Any ideas?
I suspect that he do some clandestine experiments!! Am i right? Illegal business all life. He will never change.
Ptasien, I think that first of all he should have helped himself, but if he couldn’t do that and he had to quit his job in the hospital it means, that he didn’t have a strong will… but it doesn’t deny his profesionality!
I’m not so sure about that ;) You know being addicted “clears your mind”, if you know what I mean. I must admit that in the past he was great surgeon, but now…. To be honest I thinh he’s going to help Olivia, but I still don’t know how. So maybe any of You has some idea ? :)