Olive Green (wiek: 26 lat)
Aktorka: Charlotte Beckett
Olive Green to wybitna złodziejka dzieł sztuki, działająca na międzynarodową skalę. Miała bardzo trudne dzieciństwo; dorastała w jednej z najbiedniejszych dzielnic Nowego Jorku, w udręczonej rodzinie meksykańskiego pochodzenia. Matka Olive była porządną, pracowitą kobietą, ojciec dziewczyny natomiast był drobnym złodziejaszkiem bez krzty szczęścia. Nauczył Olive wiele o swoim zawodzie zanim został zastrzelony podczas spapranego włamania. Jego tragiczna śmierć odcisnęła głębokie piętno na życiu Olive.
Olive była niezmiernie utalentowaną nastolatką, choć już w szkole miewała problemy w prawem. Pomimo swej reputacji dostała stypendium w college’u, studia znudziły jej się jednak i zrezygnowała. Wtedy zdała sobie sprawę, co jest jej przeznaczeniem.
Przeprowadziła się do Europy w poszukiwaniu okazji do zdobycia nowych doświadczeń i podszlifowania umiejętności. W Londynie zwróciła uwagę pana Cloutiera, rzekomo znanego kupca dzieł sztuki, w istocie zaś organizatora głośnych kradzieży. Cloutier prędko dostrzegł jej potencjał, wziął ją pod swoje skrzydła i sporo zainwestował w wyszkolenie Olive.
Kolejne kilka lat Olive spędziła na usługach Cloutiera, póki nie zrozumiała, że niczego więcej nie jest on jej w stanie nauczyć. Rzuciła pracę i od tego czasu wyrobiła sobie markę jednej z najlepszych specjalistek na rynku, pracując jako wolny strzelec po obu stronach Atlantyku.
Niedawny konflikt z byłym klientem – bezwzględnym i potężnym gangsterem nazwiskiem Kirsch – nie pozostawia jej wyboru i Olive musi opuścić Stany Zjednoczone. Z chęcią przyjmuje więc zlecenie od tajemniczego brytyjskiego klienta, który chce, by ukradła pewien obraz. Cóż, Olive nie ma pojęcia, w co się pakuje!
Olive jest szalenie inteligentna i ma ironiczne poczucie humoru. Jest bardzo zwinna i silniejsza niż by się mogło wydawać. Dorastając w biednej, niebezpiecznej dzielnicy, stała się bezwzględna w bijatykach ulicznych. Do tego doszły jeszcze lata treningów samoobrony. Olive mówi po angielsku, hiszpańsku, w miarę po francusku i w kilku innych językach.
Wydaje się cyniczna, ale kieruje się surowymi zasadami moralnymi. Czy jest zatem dobrą czy złą osobą? Cóż, to zależy, jak na to spojrzeć.
Wywiad z Charlotte Beckett
Fascinating as a biography, but it doesn’t look to me for a person who knows many languages. Few intelligent expression. It looks while on the killer, but not with such a tiny pistols, but with a powerful weapon, right ? ;d
Fascinating as a biography, but it doesn’t look to me for a person who knows many languages. Few intelligent expression. Also Olive is a person who knows how to kill but with small weapon looks funny. She should have a sniper rifle, right? : D
she don’t looks like thief! Especially in a turquoise dress! She’s so pretty! and….mysterious. QMatthew I think that a person with so embroiled and a little sad past has a lot of flair.
I really
like the idea of creating this film. Does anyone know what inspired the
directors to create this project? Is the movie will be on DVD?
Well, maybe she jest didn’t want to live normal person’s life. Maybe there’s some explanation for that? Maybe her psychological characteristic a bit deeper? Now I’m really interested in that girl!
I think she is a good actress, she can quickly adapt to the new situation. In addition, there is a strong, agile and beautiful. It’s hard to know what is really character.
That gun is really small:D Anyway, I hope that Olive won’t be other copy of Lara Croft, because the only thing, when I look at her, I think about is Angelina Jolie.
Plot is fine, but it sounds familiar. Right now I cannot say why.
I’m not sure if my comment dissapeared, so I’ll write again. I think that she’s similar to Lara Croft. But maybe this type of woman seems to me more appriopriate to ‘be’ action-woman:D that cute blonds…
And I’m curious who’s that mysterious client… Any ideas?
I think that this mysterious client is Robert Murray. I love this independent and beautiful women. You can see that she knows what she wants and takes it. I also noticed her resemblance to Lara Croft. I think that Olive looks better in jeans than a
dress.Very sexy looks in black, tight pants! And you? What do you think about
her clothes?
I think this picture is from scene where she is on trouble…Maybe Sergey’s father did that?
I really like her dress. I would like to have such a beautiful dress. Also I would love to know who who’s going to shoot her . I wonder if survive.
Hey look –> picture 15 – their faces speak for themselves, haha :D I can’t wait for this movie – in olivegreen.com I saw guns, expensive cars, art, elegant mans, sexy women, intrigues, fights and, on picture 81 – even diggers! What an idea!
I think that Olive has a big true love in the past! But now she wont falling in love with anybody. In the first place is for her ‘work’ ;D no love problems! it isn’t romantic comedy!!!! ;D
I have no idea with who
she is fighting in this picture.
Maybe it isn’t a romantic comedy, but the love
story appears. I think that love problems arise. We must remember – many people like Olivia.
For me it is obvious – love is in the air! There must be some love affair so that more girls would like it! :) Plus – it makes a movie more interesting and exciting :)
Picture 76 is very funny ;D Maybe Sergey see first time in his live shovel ;D and picture 102 they (Olive + Sergey) looks wonderful together! She hot and etermined. Girls like cute and shy boys! It isn’t girls? Yeaahh ;D
I have to admit – she is very pretty. But I don’t think she should be with David. They don’t fit together – but opposites attract. I’m more curious about the conflict she had
with gangster named Kirch. any ideas?
I’m curious about her “strict code of ethics” – how strict do you think it is? I think that as a thief she has her sins, I wonder how much… About Kirch – I suppose she might have stole something that he wanted.
hello. i am from poland. i uwielbiam was!
I agree with You! She absolutely doesn’t look like a thief. More like good student and primus. But it is excellent cover. Nobody is expecting that she could still be up to something. Maybe because of that she is so effective. What do You think about it? In my opinion she is really intresting character!
I am not sure… As for me it cannot be true relationship. Maybe they look cute but she is a thief and it can be for her only a kind of business (probably). She is an action girl. When everything finishes she will have to find another adventure. Or…maybe…It is trap for David? And she is bait.